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GJ蔣卓嘉『When the Night Falls』單曲介紹

  • 演唱歌手:GJ蔣卓嘉
  • 專輯名稱:When the Night Falls
  • 唱片公司:索尼音樂
  • 發行時間:2024/11

GJ蔣卓嘉早C晚A音樂計畫第三波浪漫單曲「When the Night Falls」,等待夜幕降臨 愛意無限蔓延,身旁的繁華與喧囂消散,整個世界只剩下你和我。

Disc 1

  • 01 When the Night Falls 詞:GJ蔣卓嘉 曲:GJ蔣卓嘉


全能音樂職人 GJ蔣卓嘉
從微醺的夜晚 到早晨的醒腦咖啡
迎來早C晚A第三波 今年最浪漫的歌曲
「When the Night Falls」

等待夜幕降臨 愛意無限蔓延

全能音樂職人GJ蔣卓嘉推出全新音樂計畫「早C晚A三部曲」,以早晨的咖啡(Coffee) 與晚間的酒精 (Alcohol) 為靈感,在微醺夜晚氛圍的全英文歌曲「Feel The Vibe」後,第二波專為日常設計的最佳搭檔「咖啡因」,第三波推出今年最浪漫的歌曲「When the Night Falls」,攜手愛人一起迎接一天最迷人的時刻,早晨與夜晚交界,伴隨夜色緩緩降臨,彷彿全世界只剩你和我,共度屬於兩人的難忘時光。

「When the Night Falls」是一首抒情的RnB歌曲,GJ蔣卓嘉刻意用簡單的編曲,讓西班牙吉他的溫暖和弦作為主軸,搭配溫柔歌聲,營造出浪漫又有情調的氛圍。編曲讓人聲更加突出,細膩的歌詞表達著一段簡單卻充滿幸福的戀愛。歌詞描繪著與愛人一同漫步在夕陽餘暉下,牽著手靜靜等待夜幕降臨,享受一天中最夢幻的時刻,眼中只有彼此,仿佛全世界只剩下兩人的感受。

身為歌曲製作人,GJ在錄製這首歌時,全心投入在畫面感的建構中,腦海裡持續浮現日落的景象、晚霞的綿延、海灘的寧靜和星空的璀璨。「When the Night Falls」就像一場帶著愛意的旅程,夜晚對於GJ來說,不僅僅是一天的結束,也是將日常的煩憂拋諸腦後、重新沉浸在純粹情感中的時刻。這個安靜而夢幻的瞬間,GJ希望能將這份愛意與夜晚的美好傳遞給每一位聽眾,讓大家能在「When the Night Falls」的旋律中,感受到愛的濃烈與治癒心靈的力量!

GJ蔣卓嘉「When the Night Falls」歌詞
Underneath the burning skies
Baby we’re chasing our love
Shining bright, golden rays, oh they’re filling our eyes
Lost in you babe, as the daylight fades
In your arms, love and sunset they cascade

Holding on and wishing for a beautiful eternal love
Hold my hand and feel the breeze
In this twilight, we dance
Lost in you babe, as the daylight fades
Tangled silhouettes, love and sunset, cascade

When the night falls
Beneath the velvet canvas, we collide
Night falls
And the love and moonlight intertwine
Drifting in the crimson hues
Feel the breeze and holding my hand
In this endless dance

Night falls
And I could hear your softly whispers
Night falls
In the twilight we can find our love
Everyday and every night
Holding you by my side babe
When the night falls

Underneath the burning skies
Babe we’re chasing our love
Shining bright, golden rays, oh they’re filling our eyes
Lost in you babe, as the daylight fades
In this tender moment, love is so pure, we can't go wrong

As the stars emerge, that’s where the love collide yeah
At the speed of light, we can go beyond this universe
Lost in you babe, as the daylight fades
Tangled silhouettes, love and sunset, cascade

When the night falls
Beneath the velvet canvas, we collide
Night falls
And the love and moonlight intertwine
Drifting in the crimson hues
Feel the breeze and holding my hand
In this endless dance

Night falls
And I could hear your softly whispers
Night falls
In the twilight we can find our love
Everyday and every night
Holding you by my side babe
When the night falls

配唱製作人Vocal Producer:GJ蔣卓嘉
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arrangement:GJ蔣卓嘉
和聲Backing Vocals:GJ蔣卓嘉
錄音工程師Recording Engineer:GJ蔣卓嘉
錄音室Recording Studio:RGB MUSIC STUDIO
混音工程師Mixing Engineer:GJ蔣卓嘉
混音錄音室Mixing Studio:RGB MUSIC STUDIO
母帶後期處理製作人Mastering Producer:GJ蔣卓嘉
母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer:GJ蔣卓嘉
母帶後期處理錄音室Mastering Studio:RGB MUSIC STUDIO