
銀河網路電台 > 專輯介紹 > 蘇珮卿Paige Su『禮物』單曲介紹


蘇珮卿 往明星博物館






蘇珮卿Paige Su『禮物』單曲介紹

  • 演唱歌手:蘇珮卿
  • 專輯名稱:禮物
  • 唱片公司:漂流樂集
  • 發行時間:2022/01

蘇珮卿全新單曲「禮物」比利時X台灣國際合作,蘇珮卿再次以抗癌重生的切身經歷填上中文詞,浴火重生後更懂生命可貴 這份禮物 化為音樂 獻給世界!

Disc 1

  • 01 禮物 詞:蘇珮卿 曲:Martijn Vanbuel


「Prasad 禮物」
2022 1.7 全球數位 暖心發行
民謠流行單曲 |比利時X台灣國際合作

都是錯誤 都是領悟 卻都是禮物
這份禮物 化為音樂 獻給世界

Prasad 源自印度文,意旨禮物/奉獻。這首歌是曾經旅居台灣並且榮獲多項金曲獎的比利時音樂人 Martijn Vanbuel (Forbid Oaks/世界軌跡)運用印度音階譜曲送給蘇珮卿的禮物。相較於上一波炸裂生命英文單曲「This Is Trouble」,蘇珮卿再次以抗癌重生的切身經歷填上中文詞讚揚生命。一體兩面,截然不同的曲風卻都是在探討生命,在動盪不安的世界裡給予出口安撫心靈。

音樂製作 Music Production Credits
詞 Lyrics|蘇珮卿 Paige Su
曲 Music|Martijn Vanbuel
製作人 Producer | Martijn Vanbuel
共同製作人 Co-producer | Bert Hornikx
編曲 Arranger | Martijn Vanbuel
演唱和聲 Vocals & Harmonies | 蘇珮卿 Paige Su
吉他 Acoustic Guitar | Tim Finoulst
Pedal Steel | Tim Finoulst
鋼琴 Piano |Martijn Vanbuel
貝斯 Bass | Martijn Vanbuel
鼓 Drums | Bert Hornikx
錄音師 Recording Engineer | Bert Hornikx @ Studio B
人聲錄音師 Vocal Recording Engineer | 陳以霖Yi-ling Cheng @ 大小眼錄音室
混音師 Mixing Engineer | Bert Hornikx @ Studio B
母帶後期 Mastering Engineer | Gert Van Hoof @ Cochlea Mastering

特別感謝 Special Thanks | Cody Byassee / Jay Cheng / Thomas De Cock / Jessie Hong
經紀 婷婷 / 平面宣傳 書傑

Lyric MV and Cover Art by 圓圓圈工作站 Stubborn Stone Station

蘇珮卿Paige Su「Prasad 禮物」歌詞
詞 Lyrics:蘇珮卿 Paige Su
曲 Melody:Martijn Vanbuel

抬頭仰望無盡的夜空 (Looking upon the endless night sky)
時而閃爍 時而空洞 (Sometimes filled with sparkling stars, sometimes filled with empty darkness)
生命的源頭無人能懂 (No one can fully understand the origin/source of life.
只有去經歷臣服不論結果 (All we can do is to experience, to surrender, regarless of the outcome)

也許是這樣吧 (Perhaps this is it)
這就是人生啊 (This is life)
也許是這樣吧 (Perhaps this is it)
一切是過程啊 (The journey is everything)

都是領悟 都是錯誤 都是醒悟 都是禮物 (They are all realizations, all mistakes, all awakeness, all presents) *Rhyme beautifully in Chinese

曲終人散後會留下誰 (When the song(meaning life) ends who gets to stay)
我們活著每天努力準備 (We live everyday to prepare for that day)
瞬息萬變是唯一誓言 (Change is the only constant (only vows)
浴火重生後才懂生命可貴 When you are reborn after fire, you understand how precious being a live is


都是領悟 都是錯誤 都是醒悟 都是禮物

When living in Taiwan between 2006 and 2014 Marijn (founder of Forbid Oaks) was exposed to many different types of music, one of which was Indian music, thanks to among others Paige Su, who was then also playing in an Indian fusion music band called Coromandel Express. Martijn was fooling around with a 5 note scale that gave him a real Indian music feel, but slowly developed it into a pop song, still only using those 5 notes. Martijn was also inspired by The Beatles and by Joni Mitchell. So the song turned into a nice gift to Paige.