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GJ蔣卓嘉『Feel The Vibe』單曲介紹
- 演唱歌手:GJ蔣卓嘉
- 專輯名稱:Feel The Vibe
- 唱片公司:索尼音樂
- 發行時間:2024/09
GJ蔣卓嘉2024全新音樂計畫 早C晚A三部曲,首波釋出全新英文單曲「Feel The Vibe」,隨著音樂的節奏踏進歌曲的氛圍,微醺夜晚的最美陪伴!
Disc 1
- 01 Feel The Vibe 詞:GJ蔣卓嘉/CØZY 曲:GJ蔣卓嘉
全能音樂職人 GJ蔣卓嘉
2024全新音樂計畫 早C晚A三部曲_首波釋出
「Feel The Vibe」
一起聽音樂 Feel The Vibe
跟著節奏搖擺 找尋你的 Love Vibe
全能音樂職人GJ蔣卓嘉,擅長創作各種曲風,包括POP、藍調抒情、R&B、EDM、Funky Disco、Soft EDM以及Lo-Fi情歌。在2021年推出《R》、《G》、《B》「三原色」音樂推理企劃廣受好評,並在2022年獲得 Hito流行音樂獎「Hito唱作男聲」 。今年推出全新音樂計畫「早C晚A三部曲」,以早晨的咖啡(Coffee) 與晚間的酒精 (Alcohol) 為靈感,首波釋出專門為微醺夜晚氛圍而寫的全英文浪漫歌曲「Feel The Vibe」,延續兩年前「This Summer Is Killing Me」的歐美時尚感。透過這首歌,邀請聽眾一起走進酒吧感受音樂,隨著音樂的節奏踏進歌曲的氛圍,找尋最適合自己的 vibe!
「Feel The Vibe」結合了 R&B 的氛圍與當下最火的 Y2K drum and bass 節奏,並以工業風音色點綴,營造出夜晚輕鬆氛圍的輕舞曲。尾奏中特別加入一段搖滾吉他 solo,瞬間將歌曲的情感推至高潮,讓後半段充滿更強烈的畫面感,而為了完美捕捉這段 solo 的情緒,GJ 反覆錄製了 20 次。歌曲還巧妙融入了相機對焦聲等細節,增強畫面感,像是將目光完全鎖定在心儀之人的身上。
作為歌曲的全製作人,GJ 不僅在編曲上精雕細琢,還在人聲表現上突破自我。他首次嘗試較為性感的唱腔,並在切點上表現的比較碎,也將呼吸的口氣自然的搭上節奏。GJ分享道,在錄音後,聽到自己「性感」的聲音時會起雞皮疙瘩,但對於這次的挑戰與最終歌曲呈現的效果相當滿意,並且希望能透過這首歌曲讓聽眾看見不同以往的他,無論是坐著聆聽、靜靜感受,還是站著隨著旋律搖擺釋放,這首歌都能帶你拋開煩惱,專注於當下的美好,享受這首歌帶來的輕鬆與 chill 的氛圍!
GJ蔣卓嘉「Feel The Vibe」歌詞
I can see you standing there all by yourself
Are you feeling alone
And the way you looking at me girl
Yeah I know you want more
DJ’s got the music right
And you by my side
We get lost tonight
Ride or die, Bonnie and Clyde
Go forgot your problems
Like it’s lost and find
Let the music play
Drinks fine, music’s right, dim the lights now
And we feel the vibe, feeling right, looking so fine
And the rhythm is playing right, on a beautiful night
(Don’t feel shy, I got you babe)
Blink once blink twice
We dancing all night
Can we cross the line, stop the time, making you mine
Hands up we can grab the sky
And I can’t deny
Girl just count to three
Let your mind go free
Come get close to me
Make sure you know what love means
You want chemistry or Hennessy
Whichever you need
DJ’s got the music right
And you by my side
We get lost tonight
Ride or die, Bonnie and Clyde
Go forgot your problems
Like it’s lost and find
Let the music play
Drinks fine, music’s right, dim the lights now
And we feel the vibe, feeling right, looking so fine
And the rhythm is playing right, on a beautiful night
(Don’t feel shy, I got you babe)
Blink once blink twice
We dancing all night
Can we cross the line, stop the time, making you mine
Hands up we can grab the sky
And I can’t deny
詞Lyricist:GJ蔣卓嘉 / CØZY
配唱製作人Vocal Producer:GJ蔣卓嘉
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arrangement:GJ蔣卓嘉
和聲Backing Vocals:GJ蔣卓嘉
電吉他Electric Guitar:GJ蔣卓嘉
貝斯吉他Bass Guitar:GJ蔣卓嘉
錄音工程師Recording Engineer:GJ蔣卓嘉
錄音室Recording Studio:RGB MUSIC STUDIO
混音工程師Mixing Engineer:GJ蔣卓嘉
混音錄音室Mixing Studio:RGB MUSIC STUDIO
母帶後期處理製作人Mastering Producer:GJ蔣卓嘉
母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer:GJ蔣卓嘉
母帶後期處理錄音室Mastering Studio:RGB MUSIC STUDIO